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#PHUB Magic Grip - Pink - PH47
Presenting Magic Grip!
A new era of additive is coming to your line-up! This amazing additive will offer you unlimited traction and grip like never seen before, will suit all your tracks and will improve your lap times as well as your driving experience.
Tested by drivers like Ronald Völker, David Ronnefalk and Viljami Kutvonen proves this additive to be worth giving a try!
The additive comes in a 60mL bottle with foam for an easy apply on your tyres. It offers grip depending on the time applied to your tyres (see our Grip Level Table).

ceed Tyre Additive Applicator Pen (with 2 Glass Balls) - 10mm Tip
ceed Tyre Additive Applicator Pen (with 2 Glass Balls) - 10mm Tip
Xceed refillable tire additive applicator pen 10mm tip is made of high end material. With this medium length and long grip pen body, you can be filled with your choice of tyre traction compound easily with this applicator brush ensuring evenly soaking of the tyre surface. The transparent design ensures easy recognition of the remaining fill level too.
Pen Size | 135 x 24 mm |
Pen Nib | 10mm |

CS High Grip Carpet Additive 100ml - C6400
CS High Grip Carpet Additive 100ml - C6400

New, excellent tire additive especially recommended for carpet. New tire additive was developed and tested by top on-road drivers to achieve maximum traction while keeping the car stable and easy to drive. Developed for both rubber and foam tires for carpet. - 106260

Hudy Tire Additive - Tire Gripper Hybrid - 50ml - 106263
Hudy Tire Additive - Tire Gripper Hybrid - 50ml

• Specially developed and mixed
• For both asphalt and carpet tracks
• For low and very-low traction conditions
• For rubber tires
• Generates higher traction
• Increases stability
• Easy to drive
Excellent tire additive for both asphalt and carpet tracks. The Red additive was specially developed and mixed for low and very-low traction conditions. Using the Red additive the tires generate higher traction. The additive was developed and tested by top on-road drivers to achieve maximum traction while keeping the car stable and easy to drive. Developed for rubber tires.

Mighty Gripper V3 Blue additive (Strongest Grip)
Mighty Gripper Additives Comparison Chart:
Color | Properties | Grip Power | Sustainability (of each apply) |
Flow | Dust Resistance | Application Time (before run) |
Chemistries |
For High Grip Track: It has most flowing cornering speed in the very high grip condition. |
Weakest | Standard | Highest | Low | 3 - 10 min | All Rubber tires All Foam tires |
For Tire Preparation: This has Strongest grip in all Mighty Gripper's line-up. |
Strongest | Short | Low | Low | 10 sec to 1 min | All Rubber tires All Foam tires |
For Oily Track Surface: This made of oily track and low traction track. Effective for Tamiya and Ride tires. |
Medium Strong | Long | Standard | Standard | 1 - 5 min | All Rubber tires All Foam tires Tamiya tires Ride tires |
Most Sharp Handling: Stock class special. Based on Yellow. Able to add grip for sideways more. Sharpest. |
Strong | Long | High | High | 3 - 5 min | All Rubber tires All Foam tires |
Balance Grip and Flow: Good to use for high power class. Used of new materials. This has flow and stability together. |
Strong | Longest | High | High | 3 - 10 min | All Rubber tires All Foam tires |

Mighty Gripper V3 Orange additive (Strongest Grip & Longest Effect Time)
Balance grip and flow: Good to use for High Power Class. Used of new materials, This had flow and stability together. |
Strongest at out door track | Longest | Standard | Highest | 1 - 3 min | Strongest grip at duty condition. Longest effect at all around. Cook by tire warmer make additional grip. |

Mighty Gripper V3 Yellow additive (For High Grip Track)
Mighty Gripper V3 Yellow additive
het smeermiddel wat toegestaan is op de baan van RC indoor Bleiswijk.
The Mighty Gripper V3 adhesive is available in different variations for diverse track conditions and grip conditions. In all races where there is no mandatory adhesive, you can get the decisive advantage for you with Mighty Gripper.
Each can contains 100ml of adhesive, and in the lid is a handy brush for applying the adhesive integrated.
Here's an overview of the different variants:
Mighty Gripper V3 White Additive (balanced grip &. Flow) MG-V3-White
Mighty Gripper V3 Red Additive (for oily track surfaces) MG-V3-Red
Mighty Gripper V3 Black Additive (most aggressive handling) MG-V3-Black
Mighty Gripper V3 Blue Additive (strongest grip) MG-V3-Blue
Mighty Gripper V3 Yellow Additive (for high grip tracks) MG-V3-Yellow
Mighty Gripper V3 Orange Additive (strong grip & long lasting) MG-V3-Orange

MR33 V3 Asphalt Additive 100ml - MR33-0003
Het smeermiddel voor ETS, NK en Clubwedstrijden. Kan gebruikt worden in combinatie met en zonder bandenwarmers.

MXLR SIDEBITE F-1 Foam Tire Additive 100ml
MXLR SIDEBITE F-1 Foam Tire Additive 100ml
De banden zijn de enige verbinding tussen de auto en de baan. De staat en de voorbereiding van het oppervlak van de band kunnen dus het verschil maken. Met SideBite bindmiddel lukt het altijd OP DE DOT! SideBite is reukloos, niet giftig en voldoet dus aan de voorschriften van de internationale wedstrijdbonden.
Het stevige metalen blik met het plastic deksel is gemakkelijk toegankelijk met een borstel (de borstel is NIET inbegrepen!).
Ontwikkeld, geproduceerd en gebotteld in Duitsland!
Inhoud: 100ml
Tolerantie: +/- 5ml
Technische specificatie
Smeermiddel / Lijm: | Banden Smeermiddel |
Banden Accessories: | Smeermiddel |

RC Maker Dominate Rubber Tire Cleaner (100mL) Tip
Traditionally chemicals such as brake cleaner and nasty petroleum based solutions have been used to clean and additive tires. This is harmful to the environment and most importantly to the human body. Throughout our 15+ years of racing, we have seen more health issues from the use of these dangerous chemicals than we care to admit. These health issues can be caused by inhalation of the chemicals, or physical skin exposure which is then absorbed into the blood stream.
This was our motivation to develop a range of tire cleaners and additives that are safe to use, not harming your body, or the environment. The first of which... Dominate!
We are quite aware that most racers won't sacrifice lap-times for the sake of their health, and thats why we have conducted extensive testing to ensure that Dominate out performs every other cleaner on the market! Not only is it safe to use, it's also fast!
Our Dominate Tire Cleaner has been developed by a dedicated local Australian Racer over the past 12+ months. Developed with the aid of several top drivers and certified chemists, we were able to discover an environmentally friendly non-toxic way of softening and conditioning rubber without drying it out, like you've never seen before! Opening up the pores of the rubber is crucial to the absorption of the tire additive and thus its effectiveness of creating more traction and reducing "drop off" over a run.
Dominate is supplied in a pump spray bottle for easy application on both onroad and offroad rubber tires. Simply spray onto a rag or towel and firmly wipe the tire with the cleaner. Allow to sit for at least 1 minute until sticky, before applying the tire additive. Dominate's cleaning capability can be even further increased when tires are cleaned at higher RPM on a tire sander.
Dominate can be used with both new and old tires, and provides a brilliant base for maximum absorption end effectiveness of the tire additive.
If you run out - just grab a Dominate Refill pouch here! Save the environment and your pocket.
Try some today - Help your body, the environment and your lap-times!
- Environmentally Friendly - Biodegradable and non-toxic
- Much safer for daily use on the body
- Fresh eucalyptus "green" odour
- Softens and restores rubber tires, without drying them out
- Extremely effective on Rubber tires in Onroad & Drag, as well as Offroad
- Improves absorption of additives and compounds added to the tire after cleaning
- Comes in a blacked out 100mL spray bottle with cap
- MSDS Available

Roadstick anti slip a way carpet 2
Roadstick anti slip a way carpet 2
het enige smeermiddel dat is toe gestaan bij mrc vianen voor 2024.
zo wel voor rubber banden als voor foam banden te gebruiken.

Speedtech RC Foam Liquid multiple world champion and european champion - MOB1000
Speedtech RC Foam Liquid multiple world champion and european champion - MOB1000

Spider Grip Additief Blauw Sterk voor Tapijt/Asfalt 125ml
Spider Grip is ontwikkeld in samenwerking met wereld- en Europese kampioenen om het hoogste niveau van grip te bieden met ongekende niveaus van consistentie vanaf het begin van de race tot de finish. Bij het formuleren van Spider Grip is zorgvuldig overwogen om de levensduur van de band te verlengen en hoewel Spider Grips de tractiekampioenen nodig heeft, helpt het ook om de bandenslijtage te verminderen.
Spider Blue werkt goed op zowel rubberen als schuimbanden en biedt een zeer consistent en gemakkelijk te rijden gevoel. Niet zo agressief als Groen, het gebruik van Blauw is de perfecte toevoeging om een race-evenement te starten.

Spider Grip Additief Groen Extra Sterk voor Tapijt 125ml
Spider Grip is ontwikkeld in samenwerking met wereld- en Europese kampioenen om het hoogste niveau van grip te bieden met ongekende niveaus van consistentie vanaf het begin van de race tot de finish. Bij het formuleren van Spider Grip is zorgvuldig overwogen om de levensduur van de band te verlengen en hoewel Spider Grips de tractie biedt die kampioenen nodig hebben, helpt het ook om de bandenslijtage te verminderen.
Bij uitstek geschikt voor schuimbanden op tapijt maar werkt ook goed op rubberbanden. Het aanbieden van de meeste tractie beschikbaar van de band Spider Green is consequent een van de snelste additieven in Europa.