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Protoform AMR-12 Light Weight Clear Body - 1611-21

Protoform AMR-12 Light Weight Clear Body - 1611-21 Protoform AMR-12 Light Weight Clear Body - 1611-21
Protoform AMR-12 Light Weight Clear Body - 1611-21 Protoform AMR-12 Light Weight Clear Body - 1611-21
Protoform AMR-12 Light Weight Clear Body - 1611-21
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Protoform AMR-12 Light Weight Clear Body - 1611-21

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Protoform AMR-12 Light Weight Clear Body - 1611-21

One of the longest running classes in R/C, 1/12th On-Road is still a favorite with racers and enthusiasts the world over. It has continued to evolve and grow in recent years, much to the delight of many. PROTOform has a long history of designing winning bodies for the ultra quick and nimble 1/12th On-Road class - with numerous ROAR Nationals, US Indoor Champs, Snowbird Nationals as well as IFMAR WORLDs titles on its resume.

The AMR-12 has continued the legacy, with an unprecedented 4-straight IFMAR 1:12 World Titles:

2010: Naoto Matsukura
2012: Naoto Matsukura
2014: Marc Rheinard
2016: Naoto Matsukura
It's made to fit all the popular 1/12th chassis with design considerations built in to accommodate the larger brushless motors and lead wires. A decal sheet with headlights to meet new body regulations is also included.

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