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Onroad 1/10

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Bittydesign 1/10 Touring AHURA 1/10 GT Clear Body 190mm

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Bittydesign 1/10 Touring AHURA 1/10 GT Clear Body 190mm

Bittydesign 1/10 Touring AHURA 1/10 GT Clear Body 190mm

€ 37,50

Bittydesign 1/10 Touring AHURA 1/10 GT Clear Body 190mm

Bittydesign AHURA GT body shell for 1:10 scale onroad RC cars.


  • AHURA 190mm polycarbonat body shell
  • Window masks for painting
  • Decal sheet
  • Rear wing incl. mounting hardware


Technische Spezifikation
Onroad: Touring Car
Thickness: 0,7 mm

Bittydesign ARES-1 1/10 GT clear body 190mm

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Bittydesign ARES-1 1/10 GT clear body 190mm

Bittydesign ARES-1 1/10 GT clear body 190mm

€ 39,95

Bittydesign ARES-1 1/10 GT clear body 190mm

Bittydesign AR8-GT3 1/10 GT clear body 190mm

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Bittydesign AR8-GT3 1/10 GT clear body 190mm

Bittydesign AR8-GT3 1/10 GT clear body 190mm

€ 39,95

Bittydesign AR8-GT3 1/10 GT clear body 190mm

Bittydesign TC Body Marker Line Kit

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Bittydesign TC Body Marker Line Kit

Bittydesign TC Body Marker Line Kit

€ 16,95

The body Marker Kit it's a very usefull accessory that allow you to mark perfectly the lower cutting line of your On-road body shell, in particular Touring 1/10 and Pan-car 1/12.

The kit is made up of an ergal pen holder that depending on the position where you use it varies the floor height of the blade tip from 6mm up to 9mm.

In the video is illustrated the simple use of the kit, once inserted the marker in its place just enough to drag it to the bottom of the bodyshell to get a perfect cut mark that remains constant (from 6 to 9mm) across the perimeter.

ZooRacing GOAT 1:10 Touring Car Body 0,7mm REGULAR

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ZooRacing GOAT 1:10 Touring Car Body 0,7mm REGULAR

ZooRacing GOAT 1:10 Touring Car Body 0,7mm REGULAR

€ 37,50

ZooRacing GOAT 1:10 Touring Car Body 0,7mm REGULAR

GOAT is de nieuwe high performance touring car body van ZooRacing. Ontwikkeld vanuit de ervaring van de super succesvolle Dogsbollox body, maar een compacter en korter ontwerp om meer rotatie te creëren voor een soepelere rit.

Belangrijke onderdelen zoals de nieuwe, kortere neus en motorkap zijn geoptimaliseerd en ook de achterkant is compacter en veel lager om sneller bochten te kunnen nemen met behoud van een stabiele achterkant.

De nieuwe en meer uitgesproken achterspoiler zorgt voor meer downforce, waardoor de auto stabieler is bij het uitkomen van bochten. De homogenere luchtstroom achter het dak vermindert de luchtweerstand en turbulentie. Een nieuw omgekeerd vinontwerp op de achterklep vermindert turbulentie en verhoogt de statische stabiliteit aan de achterzijde.

Het ontwerp van de achtervleugel is gebogen om aan te sluiten bij de carrosserielijnen en heeft een getrapt ontwerp om de stabiliteit te verbeteren. Het resultaat is minder buiging en meer downforce bij hoge snelheden.

De GOAT-carrosserie is minder agressief dan de Wolverine en draait beter dan de Dogsbollox, met een evenwichtige side bite. Perfect voor banen met weinig tot gemiddelde grip en aangepast racen. De GOAT is geweldig op alle terreinen!

Voeg daarbij het ZOOlite gietproces, dat het totale gewicht van onze 0,7 mm dikke standaard shells met ongeveer 10 g vermindert. Dit zorgt ervoor dat de standaard shells zijn goedgekeurd voor alle minimum gewicht races, terwijl het totale zwaartepunt aanzienlijk wordt verlaagd. Daarnaast is de GOAT ook verkrijgbaar in onze bewezen Ultralight variant met 0,5 mm dikte, voor wie op zoek is naar maximale prestaties. 

Met de GOAT introduceert ZooRacing het nieuwe 0,4 mm AIRlite materiaal. Dit is veruit het lichtste materiaal dat we ooit hebben geproduceerd voor touring car bodies. Wij raden dit materiaal alleen aan voor extreem gripvolle banen om trekrollen en/of bandenslijtage te verminderen. AIRlite materiaal body's zijn meestal sneller, maar de levensduur is zeker beperkt.

Inbegrepen is een raammasker decal set, hoge kwaliteit vleugel montage materiaal en een gedetailleerde decal sheet met grille, koplampen en achterlichten.


  • CAD ontworpen
  • Gespecialiseerde LCG body met realistischer ontwerp en lagere luchtweerstand
  • Laag profiel maar realistische voorkant met gemodelleerde motorkap en grille details
  • Vernieuwde Dogsbollox-stijl daksectie voor lagere weerstand en hogere bochtensnelheden
  • Verzonken dak om de luchtstroom te kanaliseren en zorgt voor een aanzienlijk verbeterde structurele stabiliteit dankzij statische versterking
  • Gestructureerde achterkant voor anti-tucking eigenschappen
  • Grote wielkasten maken het mogelijk de carrosserie 4 mm naar voren of naar achteren te verplaatsen (8 mm in totaal)
  • Grote wielkasten zorgen ervoor dat de banden in geen enkele positie schuren
  • Anti-tip mogelijkheden met getextureerde zijskirts
  • Statische versterking op de motorkap. Vooral nuttig als u de ultralichte versie rijdt
  • ZOOlite 0,7 mm standaard carrosserie weegt ongeveer 75 g (met vleugels)
  • 0,5 mm carrosserie weegt ongeveer 55 g in doorsnede en inclusief vleugels
  • AIRlite 0,4 mm weegt ongeveer 45 g in doorsnede en inclusief vleugel
  • Gedetailleerd decal vel
  • Venster maskers
  • Bevestigingsmateriaal voor de vleugel
  • 100mm rooster op de achterste vrachtwagendeur voor gemakkelijke en handige montage van de body
  • Voldoet aan de GBS regels

Technische specificatie
Onroad: Toerwagen
ETS Goedgekeurd: ETS Modified / Pro Stock
Dikte: 0,7 mm

Mon-Tech Nazda6 2.0 Touring Electric Car Clear Body 190mm La Leggera - 010-001L

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Mon-Tech Nazda6 2.0 Touring Electric Car Clear Body 190mm La Leggera - 010-001L

Mon-Tech Nazda6 2.0 Touring Electric Car Clear Body 190mm La Leggera - 010-001L

€ 22,90

Mon-Tech Nazda6 2.0 Touring Electric Car Clear Body 190mm La Leggera - 010-001L

Mon-Tech WR1 Body - 015-001

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Mon-Tech WR1 Body - 015-001

Mon-Tech WR1 Body - 015-001

€ 30,95

Mon-Tech WR1 Body - 015-001

Mon-Tech WR4 Rally Body - 017-005

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Mon-Tech WR4 Rally Body - 017-005

Mon-Tech WR4 Rally Body - 017-005

€ 30,95

Mon-Tech WR4 Rally Body - 017-005

Mon-Tech 0.75mm Racer Wing Medium - 018-003M

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Mon-Tech 0.75mm Racer Wing Medium - 018-003M

Mon-Tech 0.75mm Racer Wing Medium - 018-003M

€ 7,70

Mon-Tech 0.75mm Racer Wing Medium - 018-003M

Mon-Tech Racer Pre-Cut Asphalt for Xray - 018-010

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Mon-Tech Racer Pre-Cut Asphalt for Xray - 018-010

Mon-Tech Racer Pre-Cut Asphalt for Xray - 018-010

€ 27,90

Mon-Tech Racer Pre-Cut Asphalt for Xray - 018-010

Mon-Tech Racer Pre-Cut Carpet for Xray - 018-011

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Mon-Tech Racer Pre-Cut Carpet for Xray - 018-011

Mon-Tech Racer Pre-Cut Carpet for Xray - 018-011

€ 27,90

Mon-Tech Racer Pre-Cut Carpet for Xray - 018-011

Mon-Tech M-Truck 2.0 - 019-003

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Mon-Tech M-Truck 2.0 - 019-003

Mon-Tech M-Truck 2.0 - 019-003

€ 30,95

The body utilises only three parts - the base, cabin and rear wing, making it both lightweight and durable and it incorporates details such as a mock-up engine and the ability to fine-tune the wing setting for low and high downforce. The shape ensures it can be mounted on all kinds of touring car chassis without having to cut the front bumper and it is made of high-quality 0.75mm polycarbonate. Included with the body set come window masks, a decal sheet and the needed assembly hardware.

MonTech: M-Truck 2.0 1/10 schaal truck body

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Mon-Tech Racer2 Touring Electric Car Clear Body 190mm - 019-006

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Mon-Tech Racer2 Touring Electric Car Clear Body 190mm - 019-006

Mon-Tech Racer2 Touring Electric Car Clear Body 190mm - 019-006

€ 23,90

Mon-Tech Racer2 Touring Electric Car Clear Body 190mm - 019-006

Mon-Tech Mito-RX FWD/Rally body shell - 019-007

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Mon-Tech Mito-RX FWD/Rally body shell - 019-007

Mon-Tech Mito-RX FWD/Rally body shell - 019-007

€ 24,95

Mon-Tech Mito-RX FWD/Rally body shell - 019-007

Mon-Tech Montecarlo Touring Electric Car Clear Body 190mm - 019-013

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Mon-Tech Montecarlo Touring Electric Car Clear Body 190mm - 019-013

Mon-Tech Montecarlo Touring Electric Car Clear Body 190mm - 019-013

€ 24,95

Mon-Tech Montecarlo Touring Electric Car Clear Body 190mm - 019-013

Mon-Tech 308 TCR 2.0 FWD Clear Body 190mm

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Mon-Tech 308 TCR 2.0 FWD Clear Body 190mm

Mon-Tech 308 TCR 2.0 FWD Clear Body 190mm

€ 29,95

Mon-Tech 308 TCR 2.0 FWD Clear Body 190mm


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€ 32,50

The Mon-Tech YSOT Touring body it is a new high-downforce CT body, developed with last hign standard request.
It is available in two versions, Standard version (78gr) and "La Leggera" version (62gr).
The kit includes the masks for the windows, the decals and the wing fixing screws.
The Mon-Tech YSOT body is EFRA approved.

Mon-Tech RS GT3 1/10 GT Clear Body 190mm

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Mon-Tech RS GT3 1/10 GT Clear Body 190mm

Mon-Tech RS GT3 1/10 GT Clear Body 190mm

€ 34,99

Mon-Tech RS GT3 1/10 GT Clear Body 190mm

mon-tech Akura GT transparent body with stickers and screws. Fits 1/10 Touring cars.

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mon-tech Akura GT transparent body with stickers and screws. Fits 1/10 Touring cars.

mon-tech Akura GT transparent body with stickers and screws. Fits 1/10 Touring cars.

€ 34,95

Akura GT transparent body with stickers and screws. Fits 1/10 Touring cars.

Mon-Tech ZERO 190mm, Touring Car Body Shell

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Mon-Tech ZERO 190mm, Touring Car Body Shell

Mon-Tech ZERO 190mm, Touring Car Body Shell

€ 29,95

The Mon-Tech ZERO is the follower of the Imola body shell from the Italian manufacturer. During the development, the performace and driveability was in the focus and the ZERO is available in two different versions concerning weight:
Mon-Tech ZERO 190mm, Touring Car Body Shell (MB-021-0111) Normal Version
Mon-Tech ZERO 190mm La Leggera, Touring Car Body Shell (MB-021-0111L) Light Version

Mon-Tech ZERO 190mm, Touring Car Body Shell

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Mon-Tech ZERO 190mm, Touring Car Body Shell

Mon-Tech ZERO 190mm, Touring Car Body Shell

€ 29,95

The Mon-Tech ZERO is the follower of the Imola body shell from the Italian manufacturer. During the development, the performace and driveability was in the focus and the ZERO is available in two different versions concerning weight:
Mon-Tech ZERO 190mm, Touring Car Body Shell (MB-021-0111) Normal Version
Mon-Tech ZERO 190mm La Leggera, Touring Car Body Shell (MB-021-0111L) Light Version

Mon-Tech MITOpista FWD Body Shell

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Mon-Tech MITOpista FWD Body Shell

Mon-Tech MITOpista FWD Body Shell

€ 32,50

Mon-Tech Mito Pista Clear Body 190mm
The 190mm Mito body shell from Blitz was designed for the electric FWD class. The body shell has a great handling and is the key to fast lap times on the track.
  • Mito Body shell (clear)
  • Window Masks
  • Decal Sheet
  • Rear Wing

Mon-Tech M.R. Sport FWD Body Shell 0,7mm

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Mon-Tech M.R. Sport FWD Body Shell 0,7mm

Mon-Tech M.R. Sport FWD Body Shell 0,7mm

€ 32,50

The M.R. Sport body from Montech is made for the 1:10 scale FWD (Front Wheel Drive) class and looks simply great on all these amazing cars!
The body comes clear and includes window masks, the rear wing and a Montech decal sheet.

This body shell (0,7mm Version) is listed on the official ETS Body Shell List for Season #15 2022/23

Technische Spezifikation
Onroad: Front Wheel Drive FWD
ETS Approved: ETS FWD
Thickness: 0,7 mm

 Alfa Touring Car Body 190mm Light PAR10089L

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 Alfa Touring Car Body 190mm Light PAR10089L

Alfa Touring Car Body 190mm Light PAR10089L

€ 39,95 € 19,95

Alfa Touring Car Body 190mm Light PAR10089L

Hudy Professional 1/10 Tc Wheel Arch Marker + Wheel Adapter & Nut - 107772

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Hudy Professional 1/10 Tc Wheel Arch Marker + Wheel Adapter & Nut - 107772

Hudy Professional 1/10 Tc Wheel Arch Marker + Wheel Adapter & Nut - 107772

€ 30,95

Hudy Professional 1/10 Tc Wheel Arch Marker + Wheel Adapter & Nut

TAMIYA19490028 Sticker Tas Ford Escort Custom 58691

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TAMIYA19490028 Sticker Tas Ford Escort Custom 58691

TAMIYA19490028 Sticker Tas Ford Escort Custom 58691

€ 20,30

TAMIYA19490028 Sticker Tas Ford Escort Custom 58691

PROTOFORM LTCR Light Weight Clear Body for 190mm - 1505-25

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PROTOFORM LTCR Light Weight Clear Body for 190mm - 1505-25

PROTOFORM LTCR Light Weight Clear Body for 190mm - 1505-25

€ 27,95

PROTOFORM LTCR Light Weight Clear Body for 190mm - 1505-25

Protoform PR1542-30 PFM-10 Clear Body for 190mm Touring Car 1/10

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Protoform PR1542-30 PFM-10 Clear Body for 190mm Touring Car 1/10

Protoform PR1542-30 PFM-10 Clear Body for 190mm Touring Car 1/10

€ 32,50

The PFM-10 is produced in genuine .030” lexan® and includes a comprehensive decal sheet, injection-molded wing struts, wing mounting hardware, and paint-then-peel overspray film. Please note: All bodies are sold in crystal clear lexan® and are painted for advertising purposes only.

Protoform 1543-30 - Cadillac ATS-V.R - 190mm GT body for regular TW Chassis

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Protoform 1543-30 - Cadillac ATS-V.R - 190mm GT body for regular TW Chassis

Protoform 1543-30 - Cadillac ATS-V.R - 190mm GT body for regular TW Chassis

€ 39,95

Protoform 1543-30 - Cadillac ATS-V.R - 190mm GT body for regular TW Chassis

Cadillac Racing stormed back into the motorsports spotlight in 2015 with their factory-works 
ATS-V.R race car, the third generation of V-Series race cars. Built to international FIA GT3 specifications, this pedigree allows it to potentially run in more than 30 different GT series around the world. The ATS-V.R has proven a success with top drivers Johnny O’Connell and Andy Pilgrim at the wheel, scoring multiple overall wins and pole positions in the World Challenge series. 

PROTOform is proud to bring the racing heritage of Cadillac back to 1/10 190mm Touring Cars with our officially-licensed rendition of the Cadillac ATS-V.R. With every detail of the full-scale race car captured and an extensive decal sheet, racers will appreciate the ultra-realistic looks for racing in classes such as USGT, GT10, and Spec Grand Touring. 

This 2-door coupe race body is formed from genuine .030” lexan® and includes injection-molded wing struts to support a unique rear wing design. The wing features 2 different levels of trim, a 10mm vertical section for sanctioned USGT racing and a 20mm upper laid-back trim for club racing, making the PROTOform ATS-V.R suitable to any kind of GT-class rules. As always, wing mounting hardware, and paint-then-peel overspray film are included.

PROTOFORM D9 Light Weight Clear Body for 190mm - 1564-25

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PROTOFORM D9 Light Weight Clear Body for 190mm - 1564-25

PROTOFORM D9 Light Weight Clear Body for 190mm - 1564-25

€ 24,95

PROTOFORM D9 Light Weight Clear Body for 190mm - 1564-25

PROTOFORM Europa Clear Body for 190mm FWD Class - 1565-25

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PROTOFORM Europa Clear Body for 190mm FWD Class - 1565-25

PROTOFORM Europa Clear Body for 190mm FWD Class - 1565-25

€ 31,45


PROTOform is excited to bring our first-ever body dedicated to front wheel drive touring cars: meet the Europa.

Europa takes styling cues from popular European hot hatches competing in full-scale TCR classes around the globe. With aggressive fender flares and a slammed hatchback roofline, the Europa is bound to make a statement at your track. At the rear of the body, molded in wing platforms support the add-on nylon wing struts and wing to complete the super scale look. Designed and produced using the latest in 3D CAD and 5-axis CNC technology, Europa’s detailing, symmetry and overall quality of surfaces is second-to-none.

This body will fit any popular 190mm touring car chassis. It’s produced in our high-quality, lightweight polycarbonate for a low center of gravity, and includes a detailed decal sheet with windshield header and number plates, window masks, and paint-then-peel overspray film.


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€ 34,95 € 29,95


Proline - Chevrolet Corvette C8 Clear Body for 190mm TC

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Proline - Chevrolet Corvette C8 Clear Body for 190mm TC

Proline - Chevrolet Corvette C8 Clear Body for 190mm TC

€ 39,95

Proline - Chevrolet Corvette C8 Clear Body for 190mm TC

protoform 1/10 SPEED3 CLEAR BODY: 190MM FWD TC

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protoform 1/10 SPEED3 CLEAR BODY: 190MM FWD TC

protoform 1/10 SPEED3 CLEAR BODY: 190MM FWD TC

€ 39,95


Proline Pro-tc Wing Kit (2) For 200mm Tc, Pr1720-01 - 1720-01

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Proline Pro-tc Wing Kit (2) For 200mm Tc, Pr1720-01 - 1720-01

Proline Pro-tc Wing Kit (2) For 200mm Tc, Pr1720-01 - 1720-01

€ 17,95

Proline Pro-tc Wing Kit (2) For 200mm Tc, Pr1720-01

PROTOFORM Anti-Tuck Body Stiffeners (2) for 190mm TC - 1721-00

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PROTOFORM Anti-Tuck Body Stiffeners (2) for 190mm TC - 1721-00

PROTOFORM Anti-Tuck Body Stiffeners (2) for 190mm TC - 1721-00

€ 17,95

PROTOFORM Anti-Tuck Body Stiffeners (2) for 190mm TC - 1721-00

PROTOform Elite-TC Pre-Cut Wing Kit for 190mm TC - 1724-17

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PROTOform Elite-TC Pre-Cut Wing Kit for 190mm TC - 1724-17

PROTOform Elite-TC Pre-Cut Wing Kit for 190mm TC - 1724-17

€ 14,95

PROTOform Elite-TC Pre-Cut Wing Kit for 190mm TC - 1724-17

PROTOFORM Pre-Cut TC Wing Endplates (10 pack) - 1727-00

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PROTOFORM Pre-Cut TC Wing Endplates (10 pack) - 1727-00

PROTOFORM Pre-Cut TC Wing Endplates (10 pack) - 1727-00

€ 12,95

PROTOFORM Pre-Cut TC Wing Endplates (10 pack) - 1727-00

Protoform TS18 Pre-cut Wing Kit for 190mm - 1728-17

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Protoform TS18 Pre-cut Wing Kit for 190mm - 1728-17

Protoform TS18 Pre-cut Wing Kit for 190mm - 1728-17

€ 14,45

Protoform TS18 Pre-cut Wing Kit for 190mm - 1728-17

The TS18 wing takes its design from the Type-S race body, but adds extra thickness. The medium weight polycarbonate provides a neutral feeling for your 190mm touring car, great for almost any track surface. Conveniently pre-cut, the TS18 also includes pre-cut 40mm x 20mm endplates, double-sided tape, and mounting hardware.

PROTOform TC Wing Mount Set (Black) - 1730-03

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PROTOform TC Wing Mount Set (Black) - 1730-03

PROTOform TC Wing Mount Set (Black) - 1730-03

€ 5,95

PROTOform TC Wing Mount Set (Black) - 1730-03

TAMIYA Karosserie Ebbro 350R / Mach GoGoGo Sh.

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TAMIYA Karosserie Ebbro 350R / Mach GoGoGo Sh.

TAMIYA Karosserie Ebbro 350R / Mach GoGoGo Sh.

€ 54,99

Passend für Tamiya Modelle im Maßstab 1/10 mit 257mm Radstand.
Radstand: 257mm (standard)
Länge: 442mm
Breite: 191mm

E-parts spoiler/autohouder P956/C11

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E-parts spoiler/autohouder P956/C11

E-parts spoiler/autohouder P956/C11

€ 7,95

Tamiya E-parts spoiler/autohouder P956/C11

Onderdeelnummer: 19005328 / 319005328
EAN: 4052347005473

E-parts body en achterspoiler houder.
Geschikt voor 300047508 Porsche 956 en Mercedes-Benz C11 300047484,
ook voor alle andere Tamiya Gr.C chassis.

Geschikte carrosserieën:
Porsche 956 319803506
Mercedes-Benz C11 319805379

E-onderdelen Carrosserie en achterspoiler
spoilerhouder. Geschikt voor 300047508
Porsche 956 en Mercedes-Benz C11
300047484, ook voor alle andere
Tamiya Gr.C chassis.

Geschikte carrosserieën:
Porsche 956 319803506
Mercedes-Benz C11 319805379

E-parts Body- en achterspoilerhouder.
- Carrosseriehouder
- Achterspoiler houder
- Bevestiging beugel achterspoiler

Geschikt voor 300047508 Porsche 956 en Mercedes-Benz C11 300047484,
ook voor alle andere Tamiya Gr.C chassis.

TAMIYA19005564 H Parts Ford Escort Customs 58691

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sticker Porsche 956 Racing 47508

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sticker Porsche 956 Racing 47508

sticker Porsche 956 Racing 47508

€ 27,95

Stickervel Porsche 956 Gr.C. Set Inclusief stickerset
en de lakmaskers.

Geschikt voor body 319803506 Porsche 956
Bijpassende aanbouwdelen 319007689

Stickervel Porsche 956 Gr.C,
Set Inclusief stickerset en

Geschikt voor carrosserie 319803506 Porsche 956
Bijpassende onderdelen 319007689

Decalvel Porsche 956 maat C
- Decal set
- Lakmaskers

Past op carrosserie 319803506 Porsche 956
Bijpassende onderdelen 319007689

TAMIYA 19805379 Body Set MB C11 met Vleugel 47484 Gr. C

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TAMIYA 19805379 Body Set MB C11 met Vleugel 47484 Gr. C

TAMIYA 19805379 Body Set MB C11 met Vleugel 47484 Gr. C

€ 39,99

19805379 Body Set MB C11 met Vleugel 47484 Gr. C

Hudy Body Post Hole Protector Vinyl Sticker 7x16x0.5mm (8) - 209240

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Hudy Body Post Hole Protector Vinyl Sticker 7x16x0.5mm (8) - 209240

Hudy Body Post Hole Protector Vinyl Sticker 7x16x0.5mm (8) - 209240

€ 9,95

Hudy Body Post Hole Protector Vinyl Sticker 7x16x0.5mm (8)

Hudy 1/10 Touring Bodyshell Anti-tuck Carbon Stiffener - Rear (2) - 209260

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Hudy 1/10 Touring Bodyshell Anti-tuck Carbon Stiffener - Rear (2) - 209260

Hudy 1/10 Touring Bodyshell Anti-tuck Carbon Stiffener - Rear (2) - 209260

€ 12,95

Hudy 1/10 Touring Bodyshell Anti-tuck Carbon Stiffener - Rear (2)

TAMIYA22015 Racing Spoiler Set 3 (2+2) Carbon Design

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TAMIYA22015 Racing Spoiler Set 3 (2+2) Carbon Design

TAMIYA22015 Racing Spoiler Set 3 (2+2) Carbon Design

€ 15,95

 1:10 Racing Wing Set 3 (2+2)Carbon Ptn

• Twee soorten vleugels
• Twee soorten vleugeleindplaten (kleinere en grotere) * Grotere vleugeleindplaten kunnen worden aangepast tussen large en medium door een keuze aan snijlijn.
• J delen (vleugelsteunen) x1,
• Borgpennen, O-ringen en schroeven voor bevestiging.
• Vleugelonderdelen hebben een voorgedrukt koolstofpatroon om uw model op te vrolijken. • Compatibel met 1/10 R/C-toerwagencarrosserieën met bevestigingsgaten voor optionele vleugels.

Tamiya nummer: 22015

Ride 1:10 M-Chassis 60 Size 10-Spoke Wheel - White (2)

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Ride 1:10 M-Chassis 60 Size 10-Spoke Wheel - White (2)

Ride 1:10 M-Chassis 60 Size 10-Spoke Wheel - White (2)

€ 4,95

Ride 1:10 M-Chassis 60 Size 10-Spoke Wheel - White (2)

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